Thursday, 20 January 2011

Guest Mix - Larry Grogan (Funky16Corners) - TLC

Welcome back!

First up a huge thank you to everyone who turned out for last Saturdays Hook & Sling at The Vestry. It was a fantastic night and hats off to The Popcorn King, who stepped in and helped to whip the dance floor up into a full on frenzy!!

So we continue with our on-going Guest Mix series and after the frankly astounding mix from Anatoly Ice, there was really only one man I could call on to drop another well rounded dose of the 'Good Stuff'.

Those of you that frequent the 'Blogosphere' regularly will no doubt of heard of Larry Grogan and his wonderfully informative Funky16Corners blog. I will be the first to say that I've spent many an hour frantically tracking down certain 45s that Mr Grogan has been kind enough to share and bring to my attention (a new highly contagious illness which I've named Groganitis!). I'm sure that I'm not the first and certainly won't be the last!

And that after all folks is surely what all this is about isn't it? Giving some of the artists who didn't get the recognition they deserve first time around a new audience is a reason in itself just why we need more people like Larry to help keep this small musical scene of ours healthy!

A swift Indiana Jones-esque dig back through the archives will reveal not ONE but TWO previous Guest Mixes from The Funky16Corners camp for your aural delectation. Today's offering from Larry stands up nicely along side both and certainly ticks all the required boxes.

Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, I give you the one and only Larry Grogan.....

“Greetings all.

What you see (and hear) before you is a little something I put together to help celebrate the anniversary of The Hook and Sling Blog. I usually say that I show my love for other blogs via the links in the sidebar at Funky16Corners, but every once in a while I go a step further by working up a guest mix.

This is my way of saying that I really dig what someone else is whipping into the blog-o-mosphere. The fellas at The Hook and Sling have show over the last few years that their love of the music, and their taste in the selection thereof is first rate.

When they asked me to work up a mix, I dipped into the archives and pulled out several of my favourite mid-tempo funkers. Not that you couldn't dance to these tunes of you were so inclined, but at least from my side of things I like to think of all these 45s as head-nodders of the first order. You may also feel like tapping your feet, but when I put on a song like 'Going To See My Baby' by The Fatback Band (especially in the car) the pulse of the rhythm is manifested mainly from the neck up (ears included).

The whole thing clocks in at just over a half hour, just enough to let the groove grab you, take you for a little ride and then drop you back into the "real" world (as it is) safe and sound and ready to dip into one of the other flavours in your own crates, be they actual or digital.
As always, I hope you dig it, and take the time to raise a pint to the good folks at The Hook and Sling.



Track List

Brian Auger/Julie Driscoll - Tramp (Polydor)

Average White Band - TLC (MCA)

Big John Hamilton - Big Fanny (SSS Intl)

Society's Bag - Let It Crawl (WB)

Fatback Band - Going to See My Baby (Perception)

Fred Wesley & the JBs - Everybody Got Soul (People)

A.A.B.B. - Pick Up the Pieces One By One (Identify)

Monk Higgings - Gotta be Funky (UA)

Download Larry Grogan's TLC Guest Mix HERE

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