Thursday, 20 January 2011

Guest Mix - The Purist (A Pyrex Scholar) - Love Don't Grow On Trees

Welcome back Soul children!

I hope you’re well and all managed to catch my Big Maybelle post from earlier in the week?

So here we are, finally on the back straight of the week, and to be honest, I'm pretty much ready to enjoy some well earned down time after a week at 'The Coal face'.

Those amongst you who trawl the dark recesses of the Internet in that endless search for more decent music may well have stumbled across a website called A Pyrex Scholar. For those not in the know, it's a fantastic source for Soul and Funk amongst other things, including private presses, obscurities, the rare and also the just plain good! My 45s wants list has significantly swelled since I started checking out this particular corner of the internet.

At our Hook & Sling night last month I had the pleasure of meeting The Purist, a producer, record collector, DJ and the man behind A Pyrex Scholar. Amusingly we were both aware of each others Blogs, but had no idea we were from the same area! It is as they say a very small world!

So after waxing lyrical about all things Funk & Soul with him, I managed to pin The Purist down for a Guest Mix for The Hook & Sling. I've been listening to this on my commute back and forth all week since I've received it, and I can promise that you're certainly in for a soulful treat!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for The Purist........

"I've been digging for just over a decade. Records are the building blocks of what I do. The loop, the kick, the hat, the snare, they all come solely from vinyl when I'm putting a beat together.

I'm what you would call a sampling purist (hence the name) and in the hunt for those ingredients, over the years I've found some beautiful, beautiful songs by artist often forgotten or long since dead. Here are a handful of soulful gems that I've dug up over the years. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Don't forget swing by my Blog A Pyrex Scholar for super rare vinyl gems, beats fresh from the lab and general shameless self promotion.

The Purist"

The Purist - Love Don't Grow On Trees

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